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Meet our Advisory Board
María Herrero

Graduate in Economics and Business Studies (CUNEF). Social Handknit Entrepreneur. Member of the Advisory Board of the Orellana Circle Association and Music Social Action Foundation. 

Ana Vallés 

Graduate in Economics. Chairperson of the Sorigué Group and Sorigué Foundation. Member, Banco Santander and IAAC [Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia] Advisory Boards. Deputy Chairperson, Joan Miró Foundation and Board Member at MNAC [National Art Museum of Catalonia], MACBA [Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art] and Reina Sofía [Queen Sofía National Museum Art Centre]. 

Arturo Pinedo 

Graduate in Journalism, with a Master’s degree in Marketing and Communication (IDE-CESEM [Institute of Business Directors]). Partner and Global Chief Client Officer, LLYC, communications, public affairs and marketing consultant. 

Blanca Hernández 

Graduate in Business Economics and Humanities. Founder and CEO, Magallanes Value Investors. Chairperson, Techo Hogar Socimi SL and the Ebro Foundation. Board Member of Pharmamar and Ebro Foods. 

Ignacio Álvarez-Cedrón 

Joint degree in Law and Business (Comillas Pontifical University). Partner, Beka Finance. Previous management positions for corporate banking and global markets at JPMorgan for Spain and Portugal. 

Ignacio Gil-Casares 

Graduate in Business Administration (ICADE and Georgetown University) Board member of several companies. He has been a partner and chairperson at Spencer Stuart in Spain. 

Juan Gandarias

Agricultural Engineer and MBA (IESE Business School). He has been a partner at AB Asesores, CEO at Morgan Stanley SVB and executive director at CaixaBank. Board member in CaixaBank group companies and senior advisor in several Family Office.

Leticia Espinosa de los Monteros 

Doctor in Social and Legal Sciences with outstanding Cum Laude and graduate in Contemporary History. Executive President, Orellana Circle Association, and consultant in cultural management of social impact. 

Paula Toledano

Graduate in Law. Director of Investor Relations at Beka Finance. Board Member, Unidos en Red, Socialnest and the ASTI Foundation. Member of the Business Council for Education. 

Rafael Miranda

Industrial Engineer (ICAI School of Engineering). Honorary President, APD; Member of board of Directors, Brookfield. He has been CEO, General Manager and Chairperson of Acerinox, amongst other posts.