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No one knows better than you that every young person is different, with their needs, circumstances and their own abilities. We help you support your students as they discover their potential and fully develop it through educational tools applicable in the classroom.

Contact us

What we offer

The Exit Foundation believes and trusts in the daily work of schools and we collaborate closely with them to avoid early school dropout by youth at-risk. 

We connect the training provided by your school with the realities of the job market through innovative projects offering comprehensive guidance, dual school-business training and employment. 


innovative projects (blue)
Cutting-edge projects

We offer comprehensive guidance and dual School-Company training. We provide you with tools, knowledge and experiences connected to the world of work for your students. 

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We follow Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recommendations, putting young people at the centre of their own process through practical activities and networking with schools and companies. 


We connect your school and students with companies. From the beginning of the course, your students can discover the world of work, its sectors, professions and employees.

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Through experiential modules, each student can design their own personalized itinerary, discover their potential and vocation, and undertake the training that best suits them. 


Through a job coaching programme, students access a company and explore the job market and different professions whilst being supported by professionals. Motivation to continue studying! 


Through a gamified skills model, your students will gain greater self-knowledge, explore companies, and experience careers through incredible challenges, points, rankings, badges, and prizes. 


We offer projects and tools to help your young students build the future they want and deserve. Count on Exit! 

About Exit

The mission of the Exit Foundation is to reduce the number of youth at-risk for early school dropout through an innovative guidance model in which the involvement of companies maximises the possibility of subsequent job placement


Our vision is to be an important actor in achieving the European goal of reducing early school dropout in Spain by 10% in 2025. 

We believe in equal opportunities and innovation. We are a bridge between the social and business world.

Further information
The following have taken part in our programmes
Young people
Corporate volunteers
Educational Centers and Entities



During my time with the Exit Foundation, I’ve learnt values I never knew I had. I’ve learnt skills: adaptability, being punctual and team work. I’ve learnt that I enjoy learning.

Emilia Alejandra

School-Company Programme

Basic Vocational Training isn’t for idiots or failures. It’s a really great opportunity for all of us.


Guidance Programme

Cristina, my coach, taught me what the working world was like and how I could get there. She guided me to continue studying and have a plan for the future.


Guidance Programme

The most important thing is the support that I’ve always received from the Exit Foundation: advice when looking for a job and putting together a CV.


Employment Programme

I’ve learnt something really important: leaving the neighbourhood without leaving the neighbourhood.


Employment Programme

I encourage companies to help young people, to trust them and give them an opportunity to obtain a work permit. I have gotten to where I am thanks to the good people I have met.


Employment Programme

I learned to put my knowledge from school into practice, to understand colleagues and customers, and to have more confidence in myself in the workplace.


School-Company Programme

When I was 20, I was in a bit of a chaotic period in my life. I felt a little lost, I didn’t know what to do and I wasn’t studying. I am currently employed and have been working in a company for two years.


Employment Programme

When I joined the Exit Foundation, I wasn’t very clear about what to do with my life and it was Ana who really helped me work on my career and to make decisions…


Employment Programme

I learned that my strong points were both responsibility and initiative. I also learned to improve my communication skills.


Employment Programme

I decided to sign up for Project Coach to find out how to work in a company.


Guidance Programme