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Comprehensive Career Guidance
We focus on the self-knowledge and motivation of young people, and we connect them with the world of work so that they can explore and experience professions.
We focus on collaboration with schools, organisations and companies to develop and strengthen projects in Dual Vocational Training.
We connect young people seeking employment with job offers through the “la Caixa” Foundation’s Incorpora Programme and other participating companies.
Believe in yourself and don’t stop until you succeed
I didn’t used to believe in myself. When something wasn’t working out for me, I said, ‘that’s it, I can’t do it anymore, I quit’, and I gave up. But Emma has shown me that you have to believe in yourself and not stop until you succeed.
Yasmina Amtour
Guidance Programme
Current scenario
School dropout
early school dropout in Spain*
young people leave education early*
the number of early school dropouts in low-income families or families with a migrant background
*Source: Survey of the Spanish Working Population [EPA] 2022
Intermediate profiles
active population with intermediate studies will be required by 2050*
only have primary or secondary education (Obligatory Secondary Education)
are in this intermediate training range
*Source: The Government of Spain
Late appointments
The hiring of candidates with basic training falls drastically
The demand for specialist candidates with intermediate or higher degree vocational training is growing
Especially in strategic sectors: IT, industrial, energy, or public health
Changing job market